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23-25 October 2024
Adelaide Convention Centre

Age of Excellence

Inspire. Innovate. Impact.


Darrell Price

Panel Session: Investing Certainty or Uncertainty Retirement Living Vs Residential Care

Session 3 Retirement Living and Seniors Housing
Friday 25 October 2024
2.30pm – 3.15pm
Image of ACCPA National Conference 2024 Speaker Darrell Price

National Head of Health and Aged Care

Grant Thornton

Darrell has 40 years’ experience in professional services, the commercial, not for profit and public sectors in Australia. He has a strong track record in developing trusted relationships, leading strategic development, change, transformation, business optimisation and commercialisation in both external and client-side roles.

Through effective engagement and focused facilitation processes, Darrell has led change and transformation in the Queensland Government, commercialisation and streamlining of services in aged and community care, outsourcing hospital services to the community sector, all of which required cultural and systemic change.


• A panel discussion on the role of retirement living into the future, considering
• Environmental issues, including legislative support, financial considerations, and banking
• Reviewing, reconfirming or recreating their service offer and strategic development plan for the near future (Not BE specific but informs the built form ultimately)
• Portfolio review including condition status and prioritising assets.
• Strategic master planning to complement or help shape the strategic plan
• This may lead to Development Application work to position the site for construction readiness (can be significant cost to this)
• Some test fit planning to see what could possibly be developed on their sites. (Sites are super valuable things. Esp existing sites in good locations)
• Conducting visioning workshops to shake out re-lifing potential or other possible uses for their assets going forward

Small Household Model of Care – Contemporary Practice Research and Practice 

Concurrent Session D1 – Assessment of Financial Housing Models
Friday 25 October 2024
11.00am – 11.30am


Chapter 6 of the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety recommended that
a comprehensive set of National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines on accessible and dementia friendly design for residential aged care, which should be developed that is capable of application to ‘small household’ models of accommodation as well as to enablement and respite accommodation settings additional capital grants for building or upgrading residential aged care facilities to provide small-scale congregate living.

Subsequent to the findings of the Royal Commission being published, the regulatory environment has changed significantly. Specified and increased minimum care minutes for carers and nurses, greater regulatory oversight from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, and changes to the pricing authority and its processes have added significant cost and complexity to the residential care environment. This does not favour small household models of residential care.

Peer view of the small household model:
A peer survey was conducted to establish how closely providers had implemented the small household model in its purest form and to determine relative financial performance of the respondent cohort. The presentation will report on the outcomes of the survey and key learnings from it.

Small Household Model of Care – A Provider’s View 

Concurrent Session D1 – Assessment of Financial Housing Models
Friday 24 October 2024
12.00pm – 12.30pm


A panel discussion on the role of small homes into the future, alignment with the “pure model”, financial and operational performance and how to make it work.